Capturing Elegance: Ralph Lauren's New Chadstone Store.
I love the excitement of photographing a new retail store, especially when it involves a prestigious brand like Ralph Lauren.
The merchandising team had done an extraordinary job of planning and implementing the epic two storey store at Chadstone, so it was quite the responsibility to capture the essence of their hard work in images. Especially since the images were being sent back to head office in New York live for immediate feedback and potential reshoots if necessary.

Shangri-La Hotels
I love my job. Every day I wake up to a new view or a new challenge. I recently woke to a new view every week when I did the grand tour of Shangri La hotels throughout the Asia Pacific region. The project took me from Sydney to Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur to Yangon and Chiang Mai over three months.
I probably shouldn’t admit it here publicly, but the highlight, and the thing I looked forward to the most on this little adventure was the Shangri La breakfasts. They know how to put on a spread.

International Bartender of the Year: Joe Schofield
Big congratulations to Joe Schofield (formally with the Tippling Club) for becoming the 2018 International Bartender of the Year at the Spirit Awards. Amazing what talent and passion can do.
I had the pleasure of photographing Joe for the restaurant last year, and one of the images from that session was used to publicise the win.

A Part of a Family - Hilton Singapore
Photographers have the best job.
We get to visit many different companies, and experience many unique things - it's the perfect job for the incurably curious.
Sometimes we get to work with the same company many times - so much so, you become a part of the family. You invent the concepts and the look together, and then you continue to be consistent with that feel. We become so familiar that we sometimes talk in short-hand, because we simply know what needs to be done.
This is the relationship I have with Hilton Singapore. We see each other every few months and create new seasonal images to refresh their image library and to promote the new menu items. We catch up on each other's news, I find out the ins and outs of the hotel's fortunes, and we make beautiful images together.
I stumbled on their social site today, and was inspired to share some of the things we have done in the last few years - including at least two mothers days!

Singapore Good Design Awards - 2018
A huge heartfelt congratulations to Tay Yanling, and the team from TA.LE Architects for their win at the Singapore Good Design Awards - 2018.
Their Propeller workstations were a photographer's dream because they were visually striking and photographed well. They also worked well with my panoramic style as they were wide and flat.
I know, as a photographer, I am the one who comes in at the very last minute, after all the hard work has been done, who spends a few breezy hours taking photographs. But I like to think my little contribution helps my client's achieve their goals, to help them tell the world about their efforts. So when I see client's being recognised for their talent, it gives me a warm glow inside.
If you do happen to win an award using my images, do let me know! I love celebrating our little successes, wherever we can find them.
You can read more about their beautiful fit-out at the TA.LE Architects website.

It's Not All Buildings
A little known fact about being a photographer is that it can get a bit lonely - especially for Architectural Photographers. We spend our days shooting the buildings, then the wee hours of the night doing the post-processing...alone!!
So it is always a treat for me to have a shoot with actual and animated people!!
Surbana Jurong commissioned me to photography their people at work. We wanted to sell the firm as the first choice for architectural and engineering grads. I have an affinity with Architects, so this gig was a breeze. And, of course, I appreciated the company!

New Digs for Bank of Tokyo
The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd celebrated their move to the landmark Marina One Building with a full-page add in the Business Times. As a part of the commission, my brief was to make their building look impressive and prominent, with a good view of their signage.
It was a challenge to isolate the building from the surrounding buildings because it gets a bit tight in that part of town, but I think we achieved the goal of presenting the building in its best light. The trees were an unexpected bonus. I expected to deliver just straight views of the building, but I discovered this view with the tree, and included it as an option. The loved it, and opted for this version. I think the leaves softened the image, while giving it a Japanese feel, reflecting the heritage of the bank nicely.

The Epic History of Swan & McClaren
I was amazed to learn that the architectural firm who designed Raffles Hotel, Stamford House and the Tanjong Pagar train station is still going strong today!
These buildings are an intrinsic part of the great Singapore tapestry that makes Singapore what it is.
Swann & MacLaren have a new book out soon that chronicles their deep roots in Singapore's history. I was commission by the firm to shoot one of their most historic buildings for the cover of their book.
It is written by the fascinating Dr Julian Davidson who I had the pleasure to work with.

Cover of the 2018 Goodwood Hotel Calendar
The annual calendar at the Goodwood Park Hotel is a big deal for the marketing department. Every year they go to great pains to make sure every image in it represents their hotel in the very best light.
I usually have two or three images somewhere in the contents, but it has been a secret desire of mine to have my image on the cover. And this year, I had the honor to find this in my mailbox. My first Goodwood Park Hotel calendar cover!! I can finally tick that off my bucket list!
B&H Architects: Changi Hospital
My work features prominently on the B&H Architects' website. I worked closely with the B+H Architect's team to create images of the Integrated Building at Changi General Hospital. You can click on the image to visit their website.

Hilton Publicity Shoot.
Thinking of getting married? Surely these beautiful images will prod you to take the plunge!!
No? Well if ever you do take the big step, you should at least consider the new ballroom at Hilton Singapore!